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Home Care

Congratulations on one of the best investments you can make! Yourself!

To ensure the life of your new hair extensions, we have put together a few guidelines to help navigate you to maintain the look and integrity of not only your new extensions, but your own natural hair as well.


First, we would like to thank you for trusting us with your hair, your time, and your business.

All of these tips/suggestions/advice have been put together to help you and if there are any questions you have that we have not addressed please feel free to email your stylist.


For the first week or so, remember that it is normal for the extensions to feel a bit uncomfortable because your scalp is not used to the weight of the extra hair you now have. Some people don’t feel much of a difference at all, while others it will take a bit of getting used to. Give it a week. It takes time to get used to anything new. If it is too uncomfortable to sleep, with consultation from your doctor take tylenol or ibuprofen to help ease the discomfort


When shampooing, do not scrub your scalp or close to where your extensions are attached (which will move down the hair shaft as time goes by) and never wash your hair upside down. Always wash your hair standing up. Be sure though to completely wash your full scalp to avoid buildup of products.


Use a gentle touch and remember even though the extensions feel like your own hair, they need to be cared for in a gentler manner. For some people it will take longer to get used to caring for their extensions properly. This is normal, especially if this is your first time having extensions.


Shampoo extensions with extra care and apply conditioner only to the mids and ends of your hair. Any conditioner that comes in contact with the attached area of the extension can compromise the life of your extensions. If you do not regularly use conditioner, you will need to now. Your extensions do not get the same nutrients and vitamins your actual hair does, so you must condition your extensions.


Do not use conditioner directly on the attached area of your extensions, use only on the midshaft and ends to avoid any slippage. Also do not use any leave in conditioners or oil based products close to your scalp.

After you shower, do not leave your hair in a towel on top of your head. This can cause tangles and unnecessary stress on your extensions


When you brush your hair, never put tension on your extensions. It is best to not brush your extensions wet, only dry. A wet brush is recommended when brushing your hair and the extensions.


I suggest brushing your hair prior to shampooing and conditioning. If you must brush your hair wet, which again we do not recommend, hold your hair in a ponytail in a tight fist at the nape of your neck and brush hair with your other hand making sure there is no tension on the scalp.


With that being said, it is also important to brush your hair all the way up to the scalp with the wet brush. Any hair below where it is attached may tangle if it is not brushed on a daily basis.

Throughout the day your extensions may get tangled and we suggest using Eufora Pure Polish (midshaft and ends only) with the brush provided on the ends only holding your hair in a ponytail in a tight fist at the nape of your neck.


If you are someone who washes their hair daily, we understand. If you have fine or oily hair, we suggest one of two things, go ahead and wash your hair daily or you can just wash the top part of your natural hair and sides around the face. Pull the rest back into a loose bun to avoid tangling. Blow dry just that part and viola.


When going to bed at night or exercising, pull your hair into a loose ponytail at the nape of your neck or a loose braid. This will prevent tangling.


Washing your hair daily and exercising often may cause your extensions to last a shorter time than if you do not have these habits.


When blow drying: use your blow dryer on a low setting to dry your hair at the scalp and around the attached area.


When styling your hair with flat irons or curling irons, avoid any contact with the attached area. You can style your hair as usual, just be sure to avoid your scalp area. Also it is very important to use a heat protector on your natural hair as well as the extensions.


Avoid using hairspray. Hairspray is mostly made of alcohol which will dry out your extensions and limit the life of your extension hair.


Never go to bed with wet hair. If you are on a time crunch, we suggest drying your hair on the scalp and to the midshaft, leaving the ends wet, and pulling it into a ponytail or braid before sleeping on it.


Many clients find using a satin pillowcase keeps their hair from tangling at night. If you are a rough sleeper, make sure to brush your extensions after you wake up to avoid any knots or tangles from forming into larger knots or tangles.


Use suggested hair care products to fully extend the life of your extensions. If you choose to use products that are not recommended, it can dry out your extension hair and compromise the life of your extensions. Products not sold in salons may contain ingredients that will damage your extension hair. We strongly suggest to avoid any products we do not recommend.


Avoid immersing your hair in pool water, jacuzzis, and the ocean. This may compromise the quality of the extension and hair may become dry or brittle, shortening the life of the hair you just invested in. If you do choose to swim or get your extensions wet, do not leave your hair up, let it down, braid it, and try to wash and blow dry after you are done. Saunas may also compromise your extensions.


We suggest not using a round brush when blow drying your hair. If you like the smooth look the round brush can offer we suggest this: wrap the hair around the round brush when it is already dry and move the blow dryer along the brush using no tension. This will give you the rounded end without any stress on the extension.


Never use a comb to comb hair between the scalp and the attached area.. If any tangles form there, please make an appointment to avoid any damage to your own natural hair.


Please do not attempt to bleach or color your hair yourself. Have a licensed professional color your hair. we would strongly suggest against seeing a licensed professional who is unfamiliar with how to work with extensions, to avoid any mishaps. We cannot guarantee my work if there is tampering with the extensions in any other service.


Please before you leave schedule your first check up visit no more than 6 weeks later. At this appointment we will assess how you maintained and cared for your extensions, when to make an appointment to have them moved up/ tightened and any further instructions based on your consultation.


You must maintain salon after care for your extensions. If not, you will compromise the health and integrity of your own hair as well as shorten the life of your extension hair.


Please make sure you are prepared to make this investment and understand the importance of maintaining appointments.


Ideally, your extension hair will last about 6-12 months with proper care and maintenance. Some extension hair over time and with styling becomes dry and damaged and may not be able to be reused. At this point, you may have to purchase a partial or full amount of new hair to maintain the same length and fullness.


If this is for a one time occasion and you do not plan to maintain your extensions with follow up appointments, that’s ok too. Although it is very important to care for your extensions in the same careful manner.


Caution: DO NOT attempt to remove hair extensions yourself! We can only guarantee our work if I personally maintained your extensions.

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